
Recommended Reading

It’s been quite a while since I wrote a recommended reading blog! I am going to dig into the depths of my mind (and my bookshelves) to provide you with a more current list of mental health books that I suggest.

  1. Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic by Jeffrey Brantley – If you or someone you love struggles with anxiety, this book is an excellent read. It does not proscribe medication; rather suggests regular, daily and holistic changes you can make in both thinking patterns and behaviors.   I do recommend this book to loved ones as it explains anxiety in a beautiful way.
  2. Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: A New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back by Michael Addis and Christopher Martell PhD – This is both a book and workbook focusing on what behavioral changes you can make that will help pull you out of depression, stay out of depression, and keep it from returning (or staying as long when it does return).  A very practical guide
  3. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression by Zindel V. Sega and J. Mark G. Williams – What a gift this book is! If you’ve wondered about this whole mindfulness craze and why you should give it a try…this book answers all questions and beyond!
  4. I Love You Rituals by Becky Bailey – A great book for parents of any aged child. Helps you to understand healthy development and attachment, what actions you can take to optimize your relationship with your child and their self esteem.
  5. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson – What a great reminder on a daily basis to step back and stop catastrophizing!
  6. God Found Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren – A heartwarming children’s book for kids who are adopted.
  7. The ADHD Book of Lists: A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorders by Sandra F. Rief – Pretty self explanatory but this author thought of EVERYTHING! A great resource for those who tend to make “careless” mistakes or are “forgetful”.  Also helps others understand just how hard it is to have ADHD.

Ok, there you have it: 7 suggested reads that should keep you busy for a few months!

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